advent of hope

november. the soul,
at rest, watches and awaits
at last, the advent

religious fanatic

judging all, I wait.
like noah, I will be saved
come the flood. I know.

politics as usual

hate, smears, half-truths, lies,
fear of the wrath of rapture...
where is love?... of God?


yellow leaves, bright crisp morn,
hot mist rising from wood-chips
left by the parkway.

bank buildings

a humbling gray,
descends upon proud 'scrapers,
a ceiling of clouds.

smiles of autumn

today is better.
i find myself more content
with smiles of autumn.

let go

i need to become
friends with my doubts, questions,
and fears, and let go

question in the night

my infinite list
of tasks i wanted to do.
can I still do some?


do not waste your time
waiting on what you cannot
instead create, now!


waiting on email
hoping to see from a friend
but nothing is there

sing psalms

i have the urge to
sing psalms in a choir loft
below the organ

mood piece

day of doubt, down, blue,
fragile, thwarted, frustrated,
where to assign blame?


island. time. travel.
jack. john. kate. swayer. hurley.
four. eight. fifteen. six...

my desktop background

beautiful decay
memories of hot venice
blue green gold red white

the silver

grasping for reasons
feeling diminished within
feeling why not me

memories of summers past

heavy, humid, hot,
grandmother hated august,
the month she was born.

the change

slight chill in the shade
august in minnesota
hint of autumn breeze

overheard prayer

i miss church, not God
always the gift of belief
in God, not people


people are funny...
can't do this, can't do that, but
please... be flexible

highway construction

canyon of concrete
large forms bridging open air
river of car lights

My trip out east

pittsburgh, cleveland, rust
harrisburg, rochester, rust
toledo, more rust

for mother, in memorial of son

son, who passes now
bring comfort, please, bring peace, warm
of divinity

with deepest love

will children of mine
please sleep soon, please sleep well, and
please sleep, quietly.

recipe for enlightenment

oprah says read book
wife reads book, then husband does
discuss, then repeat

new job

i am unemployed
but i start anew monday
enjoy it for now

political unity

barack / hillary
first, but I would settle for
clinton / obama

how far they have come

little yellow bus
wonder how far will they go?
how far they have come

gathering the calm

letting go all else
finding God most high, reaching
gathering the calm