craft #haikurdle
the witchcraft of art
combines craft with the talent
but is one greater?
the gleam of the old console
television tube.
be jolly my love
forget the past, it is done
be jolly and blithe
be jolly today
what’s past is past, let it go
be jolly and blithe
be jolly, forget
the past is past, passara
be jolly and blithe
one last lucid thought
had the ant that could have cured
cancer. then the crush.
facet #haikurdle
diamond facet eyes
the cloak too long, ears too big
a grin so dopey
shank #haikurdle
hammer of the scots,
edward longshanks lisping said
“no one is perfect.”
equip #haikurdle
a vault daughter must
equip to venture outside
the vault with no clue
steel, pittsburgh haikus #haikurdle
gratitude remains
for ancestors in the mines
working to get out
parents said work hard
parents said be tenacious
parents said go out
values instilled young
tenacity and hard work
pittsburgh steel within
times change. that was then.
the mills are gone, mines are gone.
but what has remained?
I did not, I left
but values are remembered
the sacrifices
gratitude remains
for ancestors in the mines
working to get out
louse #haikurdle
louse promised hugely
glorious richly future
the lice cheered bigly
yum yum yum, yum yum, yum yum
yum yum yum, yum yum!
chicken broth, beef broth
yellow broth, brown broth, yum yum
vegetables, noodles
yum yum yum, yum yum
yum yum yum, yum yum, yum yum
yum yum yum, yum yum!
desires a soprano
so kills the tenor.
Songbirds flex singing muscles every day to stay in shape, shows new study